Weddington, NC (May 2020) – Weddington, NC-based home textiles company Delilah Home announced today, becoming one of the first US brands to offer an extensive collection of Vegan home textiles. In addition, the company offers 100% organic cotton towels and sheet sets certified to the stringent Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS).
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Delilah Home Partners with Love to Sew
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we find ourselves in an unprecedented time during this Covid-19 pandemic. Many of us are experiencing bouts of health struggles, emotional concerns and personal isolation, but as Mr. Rogers taught us, we want to "look for the helpers" and acknowledge all they are doing on the front lines to keep us safe!
Create an Organic Safe Haven with Delilah Home from Green Child Magazine
If you’ve read up on endocrine disruptors, you’re aware of how common household items like mattresses, bedding, and towels are often made from materials that can cause chronic health conditions. Another worthwhile concern is the harm these chemicals do to the environment.We’re continually asked for recommendations.....
Delilah's Second Gotcha Day!
Delilah’s mountain sabbatical touched thousands of people’s lives, it didn’t matter what political party you belonged to, what religion you were, or the color of your skin – Delilah brought strangers together, forever! Elementary school friends were reunited, faith in god restored by some, and two towns actually came together,Boone and Blowing Rock,to create one .....
Delilah Home Interview with Global Positive News Network
Here is the latest interview with Global Positive News Network which is held by Kristi Carter and the host is Michael Twer - Founder of Delilah Home. This Interview is produced by Global Positive News Network. Please do like, share and comment your views on the video. Thanks